Jan 30 2011

Once upon a broken heart …

Published by at 8:42 am under Sad Love Poems

Once upon a broken heart,
Underneath cloudy skys.
A man broke a girls heart cruely,
Tears fell from the girls eyes.

She know not why such a feat was done,
Nor why would someone try.
She felt abandoned and unloved,
Filled with only a three word lie.

Her love took the most beautiful words,
And turned it into a horrible curse.
When she, broken hearted, remembers it,
That memory only gets worse.

She lives in solitude, in sadness, in tears,
She cries because she is broken inside.
She is forever surrounded by false words,
She wishes to only run from them and hide.

The words that was once good, are now bad,
Never use them unless they’re true.
The words that should never be false,
Are the three words: “I love you”

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