Jan 21 2012


Published by at 1:16 am under I Love You Poems

The night after we first spoke, I went outside and wished on the brightest star
That all my happiness could be given to you so that you could feel as good as I did
I know you think wishing on stars is cliched and naive. but that’s what you did to me
In fact, I am so naïve still that I like to imagine that you still think about me now
I like to think that you sometimes wonder about me, sometimes wish you could tell me secrets and tell me jokes like you used to

But even if you don’t, even if I was nothing but a blip on the grand radar of your beautiful life, that’s okay
You taught me more about myself than any other person, and in return I can only hope that you know how much I will always love you
I wish, still, after all this time, that you’re the happiest person on the planet
I wish for you; love, joy and hope; not only because you gave me those things
But because you also taught me how to find them in myself
I will never forget you, I really don’t want to
Your inscripted on my soul, as that star is embedded in my heart

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Star”

  1. aedenon 22 Jan 2012 at 12:10 am

    Wishing on stars may be naive and foolish, but it doesn’t keep me from wishing too. It’s refreshing to find that you still revere them with so much admiration.
    I like your work, especially the last line. These words reveal so much hope, as can only be compared to a wish.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. <3Pretty_Gurl_Swag<3on 26 Feb 2012 at 3:32 am

    This poem rlly got to me. it made me feel lik i was yu.
    i rlly lik it nd my ex will like it too 😉

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