Mar 19 2005

The Green Sea of Heaven

Published by at 3:11 am under Love Poems by Hafiz

By Hafiz

I speak frankly and that makes me happy:

I am the slave of love, I am free of both worlds.

I am a bird from heaven’s garden. How do I describe that separation,

my fall into this snare of accidents?

I was an angel and highest paradise was my place.

Adam brought me to this monastery in the city of ruin.

The hours’ caress, the pool and shade trees of paradise

were forgotten in the breeze from your alleyway.

There is nothing on the tablet of my heart but my love’s tall alif.

What can I do? My master taught me no other letter.

No astrologer knew the constellations of my fate.

O lord, when I was born of mother earth which stars were rising?

Ever since I became a slave at the door of love’s tavern

sorrows come to me each moment with congratulations.

The pupil of my eye drains the blood from my heart.

I deserve it. Why did I give my heart to the darling of others?

Wipe the tears from Hafiz’s face with soft curls

or else this endless torrent will uproot me.

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “The Green Sea of Heaven”

  1. Gueston 18 May 2005 at 7:03 pm

    i want a poem of children

  2. Gueston 14 Dec 2005 at 1:16 pm

    A peom on life truth

  3. Gueston 05 Jul 2006 at 3:24 am

    Great Persian poet and you must have a bigger archive on Hafiz, Rumi, Sa\’adi. these are the greater and more meaningful poets than Shakespeare. Only not known well to the Western world.

  4. DIANAon 25 Aug 2009 at 6:26 pm

    How Beautiful! Even nicer than Omar Khayyam!
    No astrologer knew the constellations of my fate.
    O lord, when I was born of mother earth which stars were rising?
    Thank you.

  5. farahnazon 30 Mar 2011 at 7:25 am

    I love hafiz’s poems the most.

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