Jul 26 2012

What would my life be like without you

Published by at 6:33 pm under I Love You Poems

What would my life be like without you,
Would I have the courage to carry on,
The courage to be who I am.
You are my reason for living,
You make it possible for me to live,
Without you there would be ,
No reason for me ,
to be me.

You know the ache within my heart,
The fire within my soul,
You comfort me…
I could fulfil the impossible dream,
The world could hold no boundaries,
When you are by my side,
My love.

If I had the words of a thousand poets,
It would not be enough,
To tell you of my Love.
If I could hear a hundred choirs,
Their sound could not compare,
To the harmonies when you speak,
Of your love for Me.

The softness of your love ,
Are shown in my tears.
That flow for you, my love
Each breath I take,
The path I tread,
Will bring me closer,
to you.

My life is so precious,
Because I give it to you,
The only gift that I can give.
I need to say for all the world to hear,
I love you more each day,
But not with my head, my love,
But deep within my heart…..


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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “What would my life be like without you”

  1. Nina Yon 23 Aug 2012 at 3:36 pm

    beautiful <3<3
    "I love you more each day"

  2. Kaylaon 06 Feb 2013 at 4:19 pm

    love it wish i could come up with amazing words like you (: i will get there some day just gotta keep trying 🙂

  3. Kaylaon 06 Feb 2013 at 4:20 pm

    igave this too my girlfriend she started tearing up it made her smile so big !!! 😀

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